
Get the packages

Two components are needed to install Domoweb :

  • domogik-mq : the message queue component used by all components which want/need to use the message queue (Domogik, Domoweb, ...)
  • domoweb

You have to install Domogik-mq only if you don’t install Domoweb on the same server as Domogik. Please do as you did for Domogik-mq installation during installing Domogik and just set the install as client instead of master.


The following commands assume that you are using the /opt/dmg/ folder as the root folder for Domoweb. And so Domoweb will be installed in the /opt/dmg/domoweb/ folder.

Download Domoweb :

$ cd /opt/dmg
$ wget --content-disposition
$ tar xvzf domoweb-0.4.0.tar.gz
$ ln -s domoweb-0.4.0 domoweb
$ cd domoweb

Launch the installation script

Run the install script. If needed the install script provide options:

$ sudo python -h
Usage: [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --uninstall           Uninstall Domoweb
  --simul               Simulation mode for Uninstall
  --nodeps              Do not install dependencies
  -u USER, --user=USER  User that will run Domoweb (default: domoweb)
  --libdir=LIBDIR       Folder for domoweb lib files (default:
  --logdir=LOGDIR       Folder for domoweb log files (default:
  --piddir=PIDDIR       Folder for domoweb pid files (default:
  --noconfig            Do not install Init and /etc files
  --nodbupdate          Do not update the Domoweb DB
  --notest              Do not test Domoweb Installation

If you are ready launch it:

$ sudo ./

The first step will install all required dependencies.

 [ Installing setuptools... ]
Setuptools version 0.6c11 or greater has been installed.
(Run " -U setuptools" to reinstall or upgrade.)
 [ Installing dependencies... ]
Searching for django==1.4
Best match: Django 1.4
Processing Django-1.4-py2.7.egg
Django 1.4 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
Installing script to /usr/bin

Using /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Django-1.4-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for django==1.4
Finished processing dependencies for django==1.4

System user that will launch DomoWeb. You should keep the default choice.

[ Checking user ]
Which user will run domogik (default : domoweb)?
[ Looking for user domoweb ] ==> User domoweb found

The script will now create the required folders, and assign them to the domoweb user.

[ Checking /var/lib/domoweb folder ]
[ Updating rights for user domoweb[1000] ]
[ Checking /var/log/domoweb folder ]
[ Updating rights for user domoweb[1000] ]
[ Checking /var/run/domoweb folder ]
[ Updating rights for user domoweb[1000] ]

If you already have DomoWeb configuration files, you will be asked for keeping them or not.

 [ Installing /etc/domoweb.cfg ]
You already have Domoweb configuration files. Do you want to keep them ? [Y/n] Y

The script will next install the system files.

[ Installing /etc/default/domoweb ]
[ Configuring /etc/default/domoweb ]
[ Installing /etc/rc.d/domoweb ]
[ Installing /etc/logrotate/domoweb ]

Database creation or update if already exist.

[ Updating Domoweb DB... ]
Creating tables ...
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)

 > django.contrib.auth
 > django.contrib.contenttypes
 > django.contrib.sessions
 > django.contrib.messages
 > django.contrib.sites
 > django.contrib.admin
 > south

Not synced (use migrations):
 - domoweb
(use ./ migrate to migrate these)

  (*) 0001_initial
  (*) 0002_auto__add_page__add_pagetheme
  (*) 0003_auto__del_field_page_theme_id__add_field_page_left__add_field_page_rig
  (*) 0004_root_page
  (*) 0005_auto__chg_field_page_right__del_unique_page_right__chg_field_page_id__

 [ Apply DB migration script ]
Running migrations for domoweb:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for domoweb.
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)

The final test to check the Domoweb installation.

 ==> Everything seems to be good, DomoWeb should be installed correctly.
 ==> Testing installation
Please press Enter when ready.

[ Test imports ]
==> Imports are good
[ Checking global config file ]
==> Global config file exists and contains right stuff
[ Test user / config file ]
==> Domogik's user exists and has a config file
[ Check user config file contents ]
==> Config file correctly loaded
[ Checking init.d / rc.d ]
==> /etc/init.d/domoweb or /etc/rc.d/domoweb found with good permissions
[ Checking Domoweb DB ]
==> /var/lib/domoweb/domoweb.db found

==> ================================================== <==
==>  Everything seems ok, you should be able to start  <==
==>       DomoWeb with /etc/init.d/domoweb start       <==
==>             or /etc/rc.d/domoweb start             <==
==>  DomoWeb UI is available on                        <==
==>                   <==
==> ================================================== <==

Make Domoweb start with your computer

For Debian or Ubuntu systems:

$ sudo update-rc.d domoweb defaults

Start Domoweb

sudo /etc/init.d/domoweb start

Now, you can access UI on this url :


$ sudo python --uninstall