=================== General description =================== .. image:: RINOR_Connection.png Django and CherryPy =================== Django is the core of Domoweb. Django is a high-level Python Web framework with a very flexible template system. Unfortunately the web server provided with Django is not multitasks and not suitable for production environment. Instead of having the user to install himself Apache or other web server, we decided to use the CherryPy web server in order to provided a easy and quick solution. * https://www.djangoproject.com * http://www.cherrypy.org RINOR direct and AJAX connections ================================= For easy configuration, all RINOR request are processed through Django. * For the view generations, the pipe.py library is directly used to connect RINOR and retreive the data. * For AJAX requests from the browser, Django provides a mini REST service using the Tastypie library. * http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org